Enable external USB FLoppy Drive

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Enable external USB FLoppy Drive

Postby dash » Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:43 pm

Grabbed this program and it worked perfectly with a variety of USB keydrives on a DOS 6.22 system.
Even better, is the option of turning it on and off with no reboot.
Great Job Bret.

Can anyone reply with dead nut simple example of the command to enable a USB floppy drive?
I just cant seem to get it going. If it's necessary to turn off the "A:" or "B:" in the BIOS, please mention it.
I'd like to use the external USB as "A:"if possible.


I may be mistaken since I'm new, but I think the "DriveLetter" switch referenced on pages 148 and 149 of the
DOS USB Driver Introduction may need to be changed to "/LTR" as mentioned from the HELP via the USBDRIVE ? command.
Current: USBDRIVE DriveLetter:G

Just trying to contribute, hopefully I havent said something stupid or obviously wrong.
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Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:49 am

Re: Enable external USB FLoppy Drive

Postby Bret » Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:57 am

USBDRIVE should recognize and work with Floppy Drives pretty much just like it does with flash drives. The thing is, it will not assign any USB drive to be A: or B:. You can use the DOS SUBST or ASSIGN commands to do it after USBDRIVE has assigned it to something else, though. For example, if USBDRIVE assigns the driver letter to be G:, you can do the following:


and the floppy drive will be referred to as both A: and G:.

FYI, if you have really old games or programs that expect things to be on the A: drive, you can sometimes put them in a subdirectory on a hard drive and use SUBST to "trick" the program into believing it's on a floppy. This does not necessarily work with all programs, but does work with some.


The command line options all have Aliases, so you can use /Ltr, /DriveLetter, /FirstDrvLtr, or any one of several other Aliases that mean the same thing. To see a complete list of all Aliases, do a:

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Re: Enable external USB FLoppy Drive

Postby dash » Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:49 am

Thanks Bret,
There's no telling what this noob (that's me) was doing wrong, but your message
is making it look plain now. I'll get right on that and check it out.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to cover this area because it's been sadly neglected and
if it weren't for enthusiasts such as yourself, a lot of this good hardware would actually be

It's up and running good after using the info above and re-reading docs a couple more times.
The deeper I look, the more I see Bret has already taken care of everything.
The system had the lastdrive set to D:, so changing that fixed the 2 drives at once issue - duh.

This is great, thanks Bret !
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Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:49 am

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