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Optimizing Mouse driver memory usage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:21 am
by Nisse
Hi again Bret hope your ok, I am back here writing again about your wunderbar mouse driver.
As always I am very curious if you have done any progress on the USBUHCIL or USBMOUSE etc, especially the memory requirements..
Is there any line I can use with your mouse drivers that make them use slightly less memory?
I am runing the driver on my i815 and there not much UMB to use so the conventional memory with the RAM switch always leaves me with 578 kb free.
As always on "newer" motherboards it's hard to squeeze free UMB to be enough to have free memory after I install your driver, so it leaves me very curious about if you maybe could release just some beta version with slightly lower requirements, at least 7 or 10 kb :P

With best regards John

Re: Optimizing Mouse driver memory usage

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:18 am
by Bret
I'm afraid I don't have anything right now that is good enough to release. I'm still making too many major modifications to things, and no time to work on them.

Re: Optimizing Mouse driver memory usage

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:10 am
by Nisse
I understand, but the scary thing is that you seem to be the only one able to code this program.
So if nobody else with your skills can finish this driver who will, that worries me.. Even tough it's open source