usb joysticks

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usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:14 am

is there any way to make usbjstik map the multiple joysticks to the keyboard keys directly?
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:38 am

You can use my JOYKEYS program to have joystick movements and button simulate keystrokes coming from the keyboard, whether the joystick is USB or a regular (game port) joystick.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:43 am

will that method support multiple joysticks?
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:07 pm

It will support two "simple" joysticks (a joystick handle and max 2 buttons on each joystick). That's simply a limitation of how the joystick BIOS works, and can't be modified.

If you want something more than that, you'll need to make a custom driver.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:58 am

I need to make a custom driver?
ok thats some good advice

I've made some very simple windows 3.1 joystick drivers
simple dlls that use hardware port commands

using your usb drivers and a simple win16 dll
can I make use of the more than 2 USB joysticks?
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:34 am

No, that won't work.

First of all, from Windows, you can't access the I/O ports for the USB joysticks using my drivers since all of the I/O is virtualized (Windows, at least when running from protected mode, doesn't like that). Secondly, even when my drivers virtualize the joystick I/O port, it is virtualized the same way that it is with real hardware -- you are still limited to total of 4 axes and 4 buttons.

Another option is to have a "regular" (game port) joystick, which will use I/O port 201h, and configure my USB josytick driver (USBJSTIK) to use a different I/O port. You could then build a custom driver that would access two joysticks on two different I/O ports. Each individual joystick could have 4 axes and 4 buttons (there are also ways to simulate extra buttons with one of the axes). Since the USB I/O port is virtualized, though, you'll still have a problem trying to access it from Windows, or any PM application (like one that uses DPMI), unless you drop down to RM to access the I/O port. JOYKEYS won't help in this situation, either, since it will only work with one I/O port.

Other than that, I think your only option is to write a driver that interfaces directly with a DOS USB driver. My drivers have an API that lets you do that, as do Georg Potthast's. None of the other DOS drivers have an API at all, and don't support joysticks, so are of no value to you. BIOS's don't have an API, either, and also don't support joysticks, so using the "Legacy Support" in the BIOS won't do any good.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:59 am

Thanks the information is very helpful.

already made a driver for using more than 2 joys under win3x

created a driver to handle extra hardware game ports
tested it with some pci sound cards and it worked fine
(though I only have 1 analog joystick)

the reason I asked about turning the info into keyboard strokes
is that I created a win3x driver for converting
keyboard and mouse input to joystick data

then it would have to be a win3x vxd driver
if I wanted to make direct use of your driver ?
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:42 am

I don't know enough about Windows programming or how Windows handles joysticks to say for sure, but I think a DLL could work and you wouldn't necessarily need a VxD.

My API involves calls to INT 14h, and issues call-backs to your driver code when necessary -- but this must all be performed from RM. Also, in many cases, you must be able to provide physical memory addresses to be able to transfer data back and forth to the PCI hardware, and I'm not sure how you do that in Windows. I know in DPMI it can be EXTREMELY difficult, if not impossible, to determine physical memory addresses.

The advantage of a direct USB implementation, though, would be that you could use all of the axes and wheels and buttons and whatever a USB joystick actually has, and wouldn't necessarily be limited to 4 axes and 4 buttons. But, it's a much more complicated process, especially since Windows 3.1 doesn't support USB. From a purely practical perspective, your life would be much easier if you just used Linux or a newer version of Windows, and the VAST majority of people out there would advise you to do just that. I won't do that, though, since I don't understand what your real goal is.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:35 am

most memory addresses apear blank to a win16 program in 386 mode
the ports however dont seem to be restricted at all

though mmsystem has a joystick api that uses Installable drivers
(dlls that use port commands)

win16 programs can still use the joysticks with port commands alone

does usbjstik support virtualization of 8 seperate ports for the joysticks?

ahh yes the easy life... ;)
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:20 am

watlers world wrote:does usbjstik support virtualization of 8 seperate ports for the joysticks?

No, at least not at the same time. I may change that in the next release, though, if it's something that could prove useful.

Again, keep in mind that the I/O ports are virtualized using the special API built into MS EMM386 and Qualitas 386MAX, and it doesn't work when Windows is running, or so I've been told (Ive never tested it myself). The driver can't simply issue I/O port commands from PM -- it must drop down to RM to do the I/O or the EMM is "bypassed" and the virtualization doesn't work. Other programs, like MAME (which uses DPMI), have the same problem. In addition, I/O access for joysticks, especially virtualized I/O, is REALLY slow. You're actually much better off, at least from a speed perspective, using the joystick BIOS (INT 15.84xx) when you're only accessing no more than two "simple" joysticks.

Also again, when Windows provides you a memory address, it is almost never a physical address. For one thing, physical addresses don't have selectors (CS/DS/ES/FS/GS) associated with them. Also, if the memory is running in paging mode (which it usually is under Windows), you can never be sure about where anything is in memory.

I'm just warning you about these things because it may not be as simple as you're thinking it's going to be. Windows wants to control the entire machine, and doesn't always do a very good job of "cooperating" with the underlying DOS or BIOS.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:24 am

the 200-20F limit is not really needed is it?

I setup uhci/jstik to emulate 209h
(so that thrust works fine)
under win98 you can see some port button clicks

you get nothing under 3.1 in 386 mode
but if you run 3.1 in standard mode dos box apps can see the buttons
but windows apps cannot

I can get data from real hardware ports (like uhci :P)
if usbjstiks could write to a unused piece of real pci hardware
perhaps I could get the data

joykeys does not seem to work at all with 3.x in standard or 386 mode

not much to be done about it
but thanks for the thought :)
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:39 am

using the bios ports under win16 worked

since the controller has more than 4 buttons already
perhaps the hat can be put on the second x/y

with my mindless drivel
and your helpful comments it worked!

still I look forward to many more controllers
perhaps a usb keyboard could be made a joystick also :)

I'm done for now
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:07 am

watlers world wrote:SUCCESS
using the bios ports under win16 worked


watlers world wrote:since the controller has more than 4 buttons already
perhaps the hat can be put on the second x/y

That's possible. Look at the /F, /T, and /M options in USBJSTIK. These allow you to map the USB buttons and axes in different ways to emulate different kinds of game port joysticks. It's kind of complicated, though -- you'll need to read the documentation.

watlers world wrote:still I look forward to many more controllers

Working on it.

watlers world wrote:perhaps a usb keyboard could be made a joystick also :)

I actually have a program that I've never officially released (no documentation, among other things), called KEYS2JOY, which emulates a joystick using a keyboard (any keyboard, not just USB). I can send it to you if you want. I doubt that it would work at all under Windows, but it's hard to say for sure.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:17 am

no documentation?
aside from a line or two to explain it
I dont see that as much of a problem

regular keyboard data is easy to get
the main thing is to make use of the extra usb devices

for example perhaps 2 usb keyboard number pads could be 2 joysticks

some how it seems dos virtualization should work from 3.1 in standard mode
after all its only a dos program
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:08 am

watlers world wrote:for example perhaps 2 usb keyboard number pads could be 2 joysticks

Actually, the way the USB keyboard driver works, there is no way to differentiate between the different keyboards. They all look like the same keyboard when you are reading the keystrokes. This is the way all OS's (Windows, Linux, ...) handle keyboards (and mice). It takes a custom, low-level (complicated) driver to do anything else.

What you can do, though, is use different keys for the different users. E.g., one user can use the number pad keys and the other user can use the "grey" movement keys or the alphanumeric keys. Unlike in the pre-USB days, though, the users don't necessarily need to share the same keyboard -- they can each have their own.

Well, here it is. It's not quite where it should be for a public release (e.g., it doesn't support AMIS right now), but you can experiment with it. Here's a few comments to get you started.

First of all, this is a TSR. You must install it into memory before anything will happen.

By default, ScrollLock must be enabled before it will "intercept" the keystrokes and turn them into joystick movements. When you want the keyboard to work normally, turn ScrollLock off.

The default is to simulate two joysticks with two buttons each. The axes for the first joystick are the "grey" arrow keys, and the buttons for the first joystick are alphanumeric keys 1 & 2. The second joystick uses the arrow keys on the number pad and the alphanumeric 3 & 4 keys. Any key on the keyboard can be mapped to any joystick movement or button press you want using the appropriate command-line options.

It emulates both at the BIOS level (INT 15) and will also virtualize a selectable I/O port (200h-20Fh). To virtualize I/O, it requires an appropriate EMM (later versions of MS EMM386 or 386MAX) installed (no EMM's other than those two currently support the I/O virtualization API).

Rather than having it simulate two joysticks, you can have it simulate one "super" joystick with extra axes, buttons, and hat-switches. You can have it simulate the ThrustMaster protocol, where all four axes are used by a single joystick: a standarrd joystick handle with two axes, an "extra" axis (typically implemented as a gas pedal or rudder), and a 4-way hat-switch. You can also have it simulate the 15-button protocol, where instead of having four independent buttons, you can have as many as 15 buttons but only one button can be pressed at a time.

You can change how it works (which keys are mapped to which axes and buttons, whether the ThrustMaster protocol is enabled or not, whether the 15-button protocol is enabled or not, whether it should pay attention to the ScrollLock status or not, etc.) using the appropriate caommand-line options (displayed with the /? or /Help command-line option). Like most of my programs, there is also a /Uninstall option to remove it from memory and a /Alias option to show you all of the different aliases for the command-line options. There are also a few other command-line options you can play with (all displayed with /Help).

Like all of my joystick-related programs, the best way to test and experiment is with THRUST.

Good Luck
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:00 am

now that I know that win3x lets you use in15

I have an old example of how to use the first 2 bios joysticks
but just from a quick look at int15 documents
does int15 multijoy have anything to do with any of this?

also though it has nothing to do with usb stuff
I was wondering if you know anything about the type of lpt port that interlnk maps over a serial/com link
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:30 am

watlers world wrote:does int15 multijoy have anything to do with any of this?

First of all, there are at leas two different things called MULTIJOY. One is described here:
This lets you have up to six "simple" joysticks attached through a parallel port. It involves both hardware and software, and I don't think is the one you're talking about.

There is also the INT 15h MULTIJOY described in RBIL, which is the one I think you're talking about. It's an extension to the standard INT 15h BIOS interface that at least theoretically lets you have up to 65536 joysticks. I've seen that before, but decided against using it (at least in the past) for a couple of reasons.

First of all, the only documentation I've ever seen on it is in RBIL, so there's no way to verify its accuracy. Secondly, I've never actually seen it implemented in any software (games), so didn't know how practical it would be. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, there are "holes" and limitations in it that don't address things like 4-way and 8-way hat switches, or how to obtain the data for the extra axes or buttons (if you have more than 4). Some of that might have been addressed in the original documentation, but in the RBIL "readers digest version" it's totally ambiguous.

I've also looked at other "standards" that exist out there, including Gravis' GrIP, but they all have problems that make them "incomplete", so I don't use any of them. It would certainly be possible to develop a new standard that would handle at least most most common situations (a few additions to MULTIJOY could probably handle that). But, if I were going to do anything at all, I would want the solution to be complete and flexible enough to handle things like Virtual Reality body suits, force feedback, and tactile feedback (even though I don't really believe anybody will ever develop applications for DOS that could use such capabilities).

watlers world wrote:also though it has nothing to do with usb stuff
I was wondering if you know anything about the type of lpt port that interlnk maps over a serial/com link

You're confusing two different things, there. INTERLNK can use either serial (COM) or a parallel (LPT) ports. Any kind of parallel port will work, though a "standard" parallel port will be slower than an ECP or EPP port. But, even a standard parallel port is faster than a serial port. I've actually used INTERLNK a lot over the years as a "poor man's network" -- much better than floppy drives. I still have a couple of INTERLNK parallel cables in my stash, I think. Nowadays, though, I usually use USB flash drives to transfer data.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:19 am

humm after another look I just figured it was for amiga or somthing...
guess if its anything like the regular game bios win3x can use it

when you use a serial (COM) cable with interlnk
not only can map your disks but it can map lpt ports
the lpt port it maps has no port address (as far as I know)
and showsup under win3x

perhaps it would be the same as networked lpt ports
I'm interested in getting pin data from remote lpts

actually rs232 interlink is more like the insane mans network.
created a win3x bios based joystick driver
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watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:56 am

watlers world wrote:humm after another look I just figured it was for amiga or somthing...
guess if its anything like the regular game bios win3x can use it

I don't think the one described in RBIL has anything to do with Amiga. From what I gather, Amiga joysticks were very simple (a handle with 2 axes and 1 or 2 buttons), and the MULTIJOY in the link I provided (not the one in RBIL) allows you to have as many as six of those attached to a PC though a parallel port.

The one in RBIL is simply _appears_ to be an extension to the regular INT 15h BIOS that allows for multiple joysticks. Like I said, it has some "holes" in it that make it unusable in some respects. E.g., although RBIL never explicitly states it, it is implied that once you select a particular joystick through the MULTIJOY interface, you then poll the joystick using the standard functions 0 & 1 to obtain the actual button and axis data. However, one of the parameters MULTIJOY returns is 4 bits that are the "number of axes minus 1", which implies that each joystick can have as many as 16 axes. The standard joystick BIOS, of course, can only return data for four axes -- so how do you get the data for the other 12 axes? Or, even though MULTIJOY reserves enough space for 16 axes, does it really only expect that there will be at most four axes? There's simply too much ambiguity there to be able to build an interface around it. Since I've never seen an actual implementation of it, it's hard to determine what the original intention was.

It would be possible to update, or at least clarify, the MULTIJOY interface to make it at least usable. But, like I said, if anybody's going to bother making a new interface (which is what an update to MULTIJOY would be), it might as well be a "complete" interface that can handle all of the modern hardware including VR body suits, force feedback, tactile feedback, and anything else that may be relevant. It is not trivial to design such an interface, nor is it easy to implement it, and a well-designed interface may not resemble MULTIJOY in any way. And if there are no practical uses for it (e.g., new games being developed that can use it), it's not worth the effort.

watlers world wrote:when you use a serial (COM) cable with interlnk
not only can map your disks but it can map lpt ports
the lpt port it maps has no port address (as far as I know)
and showsup under win3x

perhaps it would be the same as networked lpt ports

That's probably true. My USBPRINT program (USB printer/parallel port driver) works sort of like that -- it provides a BIOS interface (INT 17h) and a DOS interface (LPTx), but doesn't virtualize the parallel port I/O the way USBJSTIK does with the game port. DOS programs rarely use direct parallel I/O, because (unlike the serial and game port BIOS interfaces) the parallel port BIOS interface is actually very fast and reliable. I suspect Win 3.1 might work with a USB printer and my USBPRINT program, but don't know for sure.

watlers world wrote:I'm interested in getting pin data from remote lpts

In USBPRINT, I have also created an extension to the standard INT 17h BIOS that allows for reading data (the standard INT 17h only allows for writing). You can install USBPRINT even if you don't have any USB hardware, and it will read from standard parallel ports as well as USB parallel ports. You might be able to get it to do what you want with an INTERLNK parallel cable or some sort of custom cable -- don't know for sure, though.

watlers world wrote:actually rs232 interlink is more like the insane mans network.

Maybe, but even RS232 INTERLNK was better than floppy disks.

Regarding the Attachment
Interesting. I may give it a try sometime. I don't have Win 3.1 installed on any of my systems any more, but will try to check it out.

Since you've done that, and seem to be interested in Win 3.1, I'm wondering if you can do something similar for the mouse? That is, make a Win 3x mouse driver that uses the PS2 BIOS instead of direct I/O. That would allow you to use a USB mouse with Win 3.1 and my USBMOUSE driver, even if the computer's BIOS doesn't support USB mice.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:00 am

I can get data from a lpt using the bios only?
same for ps2 ports?
looks like I have some reading to do

I just snipped the joystick bios code from
and made a quick driver out of it

if you have snipits that do what is needed
I could give it a quick try

I cant do much with hardware yet
but I'm learning
forms I can do
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watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:06 am

I don't really have snippets, but you can extract what you need from the source code for PS2MTEST (INT 15.C2xx) for the mouse, and INKLEVEL (INT 17h) for the the parallel port. One thing that you might need to worry about with the mouse is that a"normal" mouse driver that uses the BIOS needs a call-back address (the BIOS automatically notifies the driver via a memory address in the first 1MB of memory when the mouse is moved or a button is pressed), but it can also be accessed by periodically polling it.

The INT 17h extension I provided in USBPRINT is actually designed to download data from a device (like a printer) that understands how to "talk" on a parallel port. E.g, parallel port printers made since around the mid 1990's will emit a Device ID string across the parallel port, which includes manufacturer, model, etc. That's how Windows and other OS's are automatically identify the kind of printer attached to a parallel port. Really old printers can't do this. Most printers can also send other information to the computer, such as DIP-switch settings,Ink Levels in the cartridges, soft configuration settings, etc. So, when you say you want to be able to obtain "pin information" from a parallel port, USBPRINT may or may not be able to help you. If it really is just pin voltage levels you want, you will probably need to use direct I/O (which won't work on USB parallel ports). If you actually want to "talk" to the remote device, USBPRINT might work for you.

For the mouse, it might even be better to use the DOS mouse driver (CTMOUSE, INT 33h) instead of the BIOS (INT 15.C2xx). There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. E.g., the BIOS is able to support mice with as many as two wheels and five buttons, while CTMOUSE (at least in its current form) will only support one wheel and three buttons. Of course, Win 3.1 doesn't really understand what to do with more than one button and doesn't understand wheels at all, so it may not make much practical difference.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:03 am

I looked at the one int list then I looked at another int list

please correct me as I'm just guessing how it works

MULTIJOY="AMIGATSR is a serial-port driver for using an Amiga gamepad on a PC"

int15 multijoy uses the tape controller data in and out to control
what joystick data it puts into the default bios joystick

this should work even for protected mode programs because
the bios is not protected by protected mode
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:41 am

watlers world wrote:MULTIJOY="AMIGATSR is a serial-port driver for using an Amiga gamepad on a PC"

AMIGATSR appears to be a similar concept to the MULTIJOY parallel port Amiga solution. The parallel port version requires environment variables in place of, or at least in addition to, INT 15h, though. IIRC, the AMIGA joysticks were all digital/boolean. That is, the axes didn't return variable data -- they would simply return Up/Down/Left/Right/Center. I'm not even sure they could return, e.g, Up and Left at the same time. I'm not positive about any of that, though, since I've never had one. Anyway, I don't think the Amiga route is a very applicable to your situation, since you're trying to move forward in technology and features (USB) instead of backward.

watlers world wrote:Int15 multijoy uses the tape controller data in and out to control
what joystick data it puts into the default bios joystick

Apparently I'm looking in different places than you are -- I'm not finding any references to tape controllers.

watlers world wrote:this should work even for protected mode programs because
the bios is not protected by protected mode

Actually, the BIOS can be protected by protected mode, but usually isn't, at least not by DOS-based versions of Windows or DOS-based DPMI hosts. Depending on the exact environment, even the BIOS, or at least parts of it, are protected or virtualized.
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby watlers world » Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:16 am

I'm likly looking at old stuff
could you post links to the updated info

sounds interesting
could you give more data on the controllers that you are talking about
vr suits,etc....

windows 3.1 can use ps2 3 button scroll mice
watlers world
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Re: usb joysticks

Postby Bret » Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:20 am

watlers world wrote:I'm likly looking at old stuff
could you post links to the updated info

RBIL is usually the best place to look. There are several on-line places -- here's one:

watlers world wrote:could you give more data on the controllers that you are talking about
vr suits,etc....

Here's a site with a bunch of VR stuff:

watlers world wrote:windows 3.1 can use ps2 3 button scroll mice

Yes, but it uses direct I/O to access the mouse instead of using the BIOS or the DOS Mouse Driver. So, it can't use USB mice unless the computer has a BIOS legacy mode that supports mice. But, when you have USB legacy mode on in the BIOS, you can't use USB devices that legacy mode doesn't support (like joysticks). Also AFAIK, Windows 3.x can't use more than one mouse. Under normal circumstances, having more than one mouse or keyboard isn't necessary, but can come in VERY handy for multi-user games, "common-use" workstations (e.g., a right-handed and left-handed mouse), or training purposes (a trainer and a trainee each having their own keyboard and mouse instead of needing to share).
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